Monday, November 16, 2009


I plan on spending my next week as a hermit while I study for exams and do some soul searching. I will still take the time however, to write the occasional blog. Exam weeks are the worst weeks especially when you have something on your mind. My words of advice to everybody is to make sure you take the time to self reflect and get to know yourself better and what makes you happy. This may sound cliche, but there will be a time in your life at some point where you may very well be the best friend that you have, and you have to keep your best friends happy.

Today I had my English in-class essay which I think went pretty dandy. Tomorrow is a day off followed by a Chem exam and a Math exam on Wednesday. Thursday I have physics. Tomorrow my Physics capa is due, my math assignment is due Thursday, my chem assignment is due Friday, and thank God I have already completed my Chem and Physics prelabs. Brutal week I know, but school doesn't worry me enough to stress me out. The only thing that has been stressing me out lately is people not being awesome. C'MON PEOPLE YOU GOT TO STEP IT UP A BIT.

Ahem. It's all good despite my last emo blog. I have decided that shit will not get Vicky down. Vicky is better than negative bullshit. I will not let people get the best of me. I am too good for any person who tries to hurt me. When you come equip with a whole lot of awesome backing you up, people are meaningless. I hate that I can't be more specific but that just isn't right sometimes, not to tell the whole world about it. But the point is, if you are awesome, and genuine, people can't touch you. Things will work out, and anyone who steps on your toes will get what they have coming to them. Again, I don't believe in karma, but it doesn't take an Einstein to figure out that negative people draw in negativity. I am better than that. Everyone needs to be better than that.

Lets just be nice.

1 comment:

  1. i really like this post, i just figured i'd holla atcha, n letcha knoww bbyy
