Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Party Shed

Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while guys. Now I’m on my way back to town after Christmas holidays in Marystown. I’m driving in Jake’s car listening to The Satans. We’re going downtown to see them tonight post predrinks with Curty and Lilly, needless to say I’m already starting to feel more in my element.

My last few days before school starts will be dedicated to finishing firefly, the first season of TNG levelling up my D&D character, and hopefully even getting a game in as once school starts my and adventure into nerdom, although still existing, can hardly breathe under the piles and piles of books.

Anyway, I’m side tract from the main purpose of this blog. Over Christmas holidays I ended up playing catch up with my cousin and good friend Jeremie who has a very clashing schedule with me so we don’t get to hang out nearly as often as I would enjoy. So he was talking to me about his life and school etc. and I was doing the same when we began to reminisce about the party shed and I can’t believe that I am yet to blog about the party shed! So here we go.

Near my house there is definitely more sheds then what the average family needs but they’re used for wood and my brother’s quads and dirt bikes. These sheds never really meant anything to me as I didn’t use them at all and rarely seen inside them due to lack of interest. However, one morning I awoke to a new shed on top of the hill by my house planted next to another shed we owned. This shed I ended up exploring and it came equipped with a small tv, a barbeque, a table, chairs, a couch and a small wood stove. I thought this shed was pretty neat and never really thought much more about it or it’s origin.

At this point in my life I spent a great deal of time over to Jeremie’s house next door with Chad and Jake and after a night of getting really drunk in jeremie’s basement and getting hungry as a result we ended up in a drunken state trotting off to the new party shed for some bbq.

I went to my house and found a whole lot of food to bbq and soon i was in front of the cooking machine, cigarette in mouth, beer in one hand and bbq tongs in the other, I was the epitome of a crack mom. We drank, we conversed, we ate and listened to music in the shed and it was awesome times. After that night we repeated our behaviour of getting drunk and ending up in the party shed (as we refur to it) many times. So many drunken conversations and awesome food.

Alas, one day we woke up and as it had appeared from nowhere, it wasn’t as shocking as you would think when it disappeared. We ended up talking about the good ol’ party shed a few times about how it came and treated us well and then disappeared without warning, sort of like a dead beat dad. The best conclusion we can come up with is that it’s mystal time traveling party shed that travels through the ages and parties with the finest people from the time in lands in. It chose us for the summer of 2009. I know what you’re thinking, and if you have a better conclusion feel free to share it with us, but this works fine for me. One day we hope that the party shed will return to us.

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